Ledger® Live*

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Ledger® Live: Login to the Most Secure Crypto Wallet

Welcome to Ledger® Live Login:

Ledger® Live is the official companion app for Ledger hardware wallets, providing a secure and convenient way to manage your cryptocurrency assets. With Ledger® Live, you can securely store, send, and receive various cryptocurrencies while maintaining control of your private keys. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of logging in to Ledger® Live so you can access the most secure crypto wallet available.

Steps to Sign In to Ledger® Live:

  1. Launch the Ledger® Live App: Open the Ledger® Live app on your computer or mobile device. If you haven't already installed Ledger® Live, you can download it from the official Ledger website.

  2. Connect Your Ledger Hardware Wallet: Connect your Ledger hardware wallet to your computer or mobile device using the USB cable provided. Follow the on-screen instructions to unlock your device and navigate to the main menu.

  3. Enter Your PIN: On your Ledger hardware wallet, enter your PIN code to unlock the device and access your accounts.

  4. Access Ledger® Live: Once your Ledger hardware wallet is unlocked, navigate to the "Manager" section of the Ledger® Live app. Here, you can manage your cryptocurrency accounts, install new apps, and update your device firmware.

  5. View Your Portfolio: In the "Portfolio" section of Ledger® Live, you can view an overview of your cryptocurrency holdings, including account balances and transaction history.

  6. Send and Receive Cryptocurrencies: Use the "Send" and "Receive" features in Ledger® Live to securely send and receive cryptocurrencies to and from your Ledger hardware wallet.

Forgot Your PIN?

If you've forgotten your Ledger hardware wallet PIN, don't worry. You can reset your device and set up a new PIN by following these steps:

  1. Disconnect your Ledger hardware wallet from your computer or mobile device.

  2. Enter an incorrect PIN code three times in a row on your Ledger hardware wallet.

  3. Your Ledger device will display a message prompting you to reset the device.

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to reset your Ledger hardware wallet and set up a new PIN.

Security Tips:

  • Keep your Ledger hardware wallet and recovery phrase in a safe and secure location.

  • Only enter your PIN on your Ledger hardware wallet, not on your computer or mobile device.

  • Be cautious of phishing attempts and only download Ledger® Live from the official Ledger website.


In conclusion, Ledger® Live provides a secure and user-friendly interface for managing your cryptocurrency assets with your Ledger hardware wallet. By following the steps outlined above, you can securely sign in to Ledger® Live and access the most secure crypto wallet available. If you encounter any issues during the login process, refer to the Ledger support documentation or contact Ledger customer support for assistance. Happy hodling!

Last updated